What an amazing year 2013has been!
A roller coaster ride would be putting it mildly I think. Many of us have been pushed to make major
changes in our lives. With all changes
there are endings and beginnings. This
causes grief, fear, challenges and excitement, quite often all at the same time
too. All of which is confronting and
exhausting. For me personally and many I
know this past year of the Snake has truly been one of shedding my old skin
making room for what I my Soul is craving and calling me to become.
I love this “in-between” week.
The week between Christmas and the New Year. Before Christmas is a crazy time and then we
are blessed with this “in-between” week where most of us are able to switch off
for a bit. Let our bodies have time to
catch up and our minds to slow down. It
is a time that we can breathe and just be.
However you wish to be, Relaxing, Playing, Catching up with Loved ones
or taking time just for you.

What makes this year so different you might ask? Well!
Where do I start? Yesterday,
December 29th, the sun completed it’s 22 year cycle by reversing its
polarity. Every 11 years the sun changes
flips, swapping its North and South poles.
Although this doesn’t cause us any physical effects as such on Earth, energetically there is a lot of activity.
For more information on this visit my Facebook
This year we also have the Dark Moon on New Year’s Eve and the New
Moon on New Year’s Day. The last time
this happened was 19 years ago. It is
also a Super New Moon meaning it is at its closest point of orbit to the
earth. Pluto is also closely linked to
this New Moon which is likely to create very strong and powerful endings and beginnings. Pluto’s connection will also create a sense
of self-empowerment. The New Moon phase
is traditionally the time withdraw and go within to examine ourselves and set
in place the changes we wish to make.
This is a powerful time to set our intentions and what we wish to
manifest for the coming lunar cycle.
Combining this with New Year makes it a super charged time to set our
New Year Manifestations! We also have an
extra whammy for January as we have a 2nd New Moon on the 31st
coinciding with the Chinese New Year of the Horse. When I think of the year of the Horse I
imagine charging ahead full of speed and energy for whatever lies ahead of me.
This New Moon is in Capricorn which is ambitious, imagine the Goat
steadily making its way up a Mountain.
This just adds even more energy to our New Year Manifestations.

New Year’s Eve be sure to allow some time to be truly grateful for
what 2013 has provided us, the good and the bad. The challenges and the triumphs because
without the lessons of the low’s we cannot truly appreciate the highs. Celebrate what you have achieved and
learned. Bless 2013 and release it
making room for all the amazing things 2014 has in store.
Happy New Year to
all may it Blessed and Amazing!
For all your New
Moon in Capricorn reports visit my