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Sunday, October 13, 2013

How in tune with the earth are you?

How in tune with the earth are you?  Does daylight savings mess around with your body clock?  Don’t get me wrong I love the extra daylight hours at the other end of the day but I do find it messes around with my internal body clock.  I look at the clock and the time just doesn’t seem to add up with my body, it feels out of kilter.  I also find that it messes around with my routines, things like dinner being cooked later and later, my mornings are completely out of whack.  I’m sure you all know effects of your morning routines being knocked of whack, it can have an effect on your whole day.


We all know that if the morning runs smoothly it sets a good pace for the whole day.  We are now a week into Daylight Savings and my body is not happy with the change.   Normally I am awake well before sunrise and love watching the world wake up.  I am able to tell the time by which birds are singing and when the sun has risen the chorus of the birds is one of the blessings I love of living where I am.  It’s not just the sounds that I am blessed with, the colours of my beautiful mountains that change as the sun rises each morning.  My mountains continue to be a visual beauty throughout the day, changing colours and shades as the sun makes its path across the sky until sunset when the symphony of colours and sounds repeat.  These colours not only vary during the day but throughout the seasons.


Spring has sprung here in the Southern Hemisphere and watching the wonders of the earth waking up from its winter slumber has been a beautiful sight.  We all have a need to go within and have a winter slumber of our own.  We don’t go out as much, have the need to stay at home and snuggle up and stay warm.  Hibernate when we can.  During winter we can quite often lose our connection with the earth and her cycles.  This is normal for all of us.  Of course we still have to follow through with responsibilities but life does definitely does slow down.  Then when we hit spring we slowly begin to wake up and head back out into the world.


This waking up can bring with it great joy but it can also bring up some of the area’s in our lives that may need some work.  Spring has a habit of shining a light on parts of lives that we have not seen, or wanted to see, in ourselves.  This has defiantly been the case for me this Spring.  The last 6 weeks has been a process of looking at what is no longer working for me and working through letting go of what has been holding me back from living the life I want to live.  Some of things I have had to let go of has brought up many emotions including grief and loss.  Through this process though I have also discovered strengths that have laid dormant for many years.


As with Spring where we see the promise of new life all around us, I am also starting a new phase of my life.  This new phase is exciting and scary all at once, I am sure you know the feeling.  Rather than giving in to the fears though, I am using my new found strength to face these challenges head on and focusing on the exciting part of starting on this new phase of life.  I am not saying that this is easy by any means, I have had a roller coaster of a ride and if you follow me on Facebook you will know that astrologically it has been a roller coaster for most of us the last few months.  Although, with following the cycles and seasons of the earth we are able hold on for the ride and grow from the challenges.  Taking our cues from the earth can help us prepare and tackle almost anything life throws at us.

Here in the Southern Hemisphere the Wheel of the Year has not long turned past Ostara (Spring Equinox) and turning towards Beltaine.  This is a magical time when the earth is full of new life and the promise of the harvest from the seeds we have planted.  Although, as said to begin with we have also started Daylight Savings this week which has thrown my body clock completely out whack.  I try to live my life as closely as I can following the seasons and cycles of the earth so my head and body seem to be out of sync at the moment.  I look at the clock and my head knows what time it says yet my body is telling me something completely different.  My sleep patterns were already questionable to say the least but now they are all over the place. 


My mornings are out of sync which is having a flow on effect throughout the day.  Daylight savings has always had an effect on me and my routines and normally just as my body clock finally catches up before I know it we are turning the clocks back and I need to readjust all over again.  This year I am hoping to find the balance much sooner and maximise the extra daylight hours as much as I can.  This is going to be a challenge I know, seeing I am far more a morning person but as with the other challenges and changes that are happening in my life at the moment I am going to approach it head on.  Identifying the effects this time of the year has on my body clock has been the first step, as with all challenges.  I have adjusted my routines earlier this year and fingers crossed the readjustment will happen sooner.


Do you struggle with adjusting to Daylight Savings?  I would love to hear from you about how you deal with the adjustment.  Think about what Spring has shone its light on in your life and what changes you can make to live the life you want to live.  By tuning into the cycles and seasons of the earth you can find the balance that we all seek in our lives. 

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