Tuesday 14th
April 2014
Total Lunar
Eclipse – Blood Moon
5.51pm AEST –
Maximal Eclipse
If you thought
April had already been a Roller Coaster ride then you had better hold on
tighter because the ride hasn’t finished yet.
This month’s Full Moon is packing an extra whammy! This Full Moon is the first in the upcoming Tetrad
which is a series of four Blood Moons over the next twelve months. There is myriad of symbolism attached to
Blood Moons. One thing that most
astrologers agree on though is that Eclipse’s highlight and areas of our lives
that are in Shadow.
With the
astrological line up we have already experienced since the start of the Year
most of us are already well on the path of clearing out what no longer serves
us. This Eclipse gives us a glimpse of what
is still in Shadow. This Full Moon is in
Libra which is all about balance.
Balance in our Relationships, balance in our work commitments and so on. Many of us have begun the process of removing
Relationships that are not in balance and not serving our Higher Purpose. These Relationships may be work related,
social or romantic. Remember that when
we sever any relationship we go through a stage of grief so be kind and nurture
yourself during this time.
We are also approaching
the peak of the Cardinal Grand Cross in the night skies. The line-up of the Cardinal Grand Cross
formation is one of the most difficult alignments. It happens when four planets
hold the same (or close) degree in the four cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer,
Libra, and Capricorn — each planet making a 90 degree angle from each other.
Not sure what I mean? Just think of a big square in the sky and you’re in the
middle and everyone is arguing around you; everyone has their own agenda and
not cooperating. The planets involved in
this Grand Event are Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto. What does this mean?
Change. Total gut level, hyper focused change.
The effects of this Grand Cross have been in play since January and will
continue to influence us until July this year.
This combined with the two Black Moons we had in January and March, Mars
and Saturn Retrograde many of us already feel like we have had our lives shaken
up. This Blood Moon will shine a light
on anything that hasn’t been shaken up yet.
All of these influences could be leaving you
feeling like your head and life are in a spin.
Don’t stress though we are being given the opportunity to make the
changes we need to make to Live the Life we were born to Live. So if you are in the midst of change don’t
fear or worry, things are happening the way they are meant to and you are
completely supported by the Universe. Be
kind and nurture yourself and trust that you are right where you are meant to
Blood Moons are
also said to be a time when the veils between the worlds are thin allowing us
to communicate with the other side.
Similar to what happens at Samhain which is April 30th, here in
the Southern Hemisphere. We also have a
Partial Solar Eclipse at the New Moon on April 29th. I will
write more about these events as we draw closer to the close of the Month and
the Dark Moon.
I wish you all a
wonderful and restful time over the next week, however you choose to celebrate
this time. I am off to spend some much
needed ME time and Reconnecting with Our Great Mother Gaia for a week.
Full Moon
Blessings to All!
©Ange Foster
Images from Google Images.
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