Friday 13th
June 2014
2.11pm AEST

Today’s Full Moon is quite auspicious, for many reasons. Firstly, it is Friday 13th, this is a rare event, and the next time the Full Moon will fall on Friday 13th won’t be until 2049. Friday is named after the Goddess Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love. The number 13 also has special meaning. For instance, we have 13 Full Moons each year.
Sagittarius is
the sign of Truth Seeking and Truth Speaking.
Calling us to look deep within our souls and discover our own
Truth. Assisting us on this Spiritual
Quest for our Truth, Mercury (the planet of communication) is Retrograde, this
is the time to re-view, re-new, re-do.
Neptune (the planet of illusion) is also Retrograde, which is revealing
to us anything in our lives that has been clouded with illusion.
A few minutes before this Full Moon, Venus in Taurus, the planet of
connection, opposes Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn in Scorpio forcing us to look at
our emotional wounds and how we are relating to them. Venus is urging us to forgive ourselves and
heal. It's time to own our self-worth. Once we do, we can forgive others and dare to
have free and strong relationships that are free of past wounds.

We are once again entering 'the Grand Cross Zone'. Now that Mars is direct again in Libra, it's coming into contact again with the Pluto/Uranus T-Square to Jupiter in Cancer. We get to re-visit how we're handling our new life! Chiron (the Wounded Healer) is also in a close transit to the Grand Cross asking us to open our hearts to our truth. This is the 3rd cross these four planets have formed this year, the Goddess always works in threes! It's the number of process.
The Sun in Gemini
highlights our mental process, shedding light on how we perceive and interpret information
coming through. The Sun has been very
active the last few days with several Solar Flares being released. Energetically these flares can give us bursts
of insights into our Soul. In conjunction
with the Full Moon in Sagittarius we are asked to look at whether these
thoughts are helping us or holding us back.
we are in a 7 Universal Year. In
Numerology 7 is year of the Soul. This
is a year where we are all searching for our Souls Purpose. It is also the time to nurture our Soul and
do what makes our hearts sing.
This Full Moon is
a powerful one making us look at where we are in our Lives and making the
changes we need to open us up to the Life we are meant to be living. Review what is holding you back and with the
energy of Sagittarius element of Fire release them making room for what your
Soul is craving. If we choose to try and
ignore these issues the Universe will find a way to force us to confront
them. It is far more empowering and
easier to work with these energies and controlling the cosmic ride we are on
rather than against them causing more chaos and drama than necessary.
Full Moon
Blessings )O(.
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©Ange Foster
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