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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Four Legged Pals

Lately I have been hearing of a lot friends talking about the loss of their faithful four legged pals. The love, friend and confidant of their lives, has been taken from them. My heart breaks when I hear this as I remember the grief of loosing my family members and dearest friends of the furry kind.

Last night after a long and stressful couple of weeks Chris and I were both feeling exhausted physically and emotionally. When we both were reminded of a beautiful memory of Harli, our German Shepard that shared our journey as our family grew.

It was a memory of her playing in “rain” with the girls when they were younger at the end of a hot day and we would hose out the Fernery making it into a rainforest during a rain shower (this was before the draught and water restrictions). The love and joy we remembered from such a beautiful time. We felt her presence with us and it reminded me that they are always with us when we need them most.

They never really leave us. Harli would always make us laugh and feel happy and it was exactly what we both needed to remember, the feeling and how to feel it. When life gets hectic it is our four legged friends that are there to remind us that there is still good in the world.

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