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Friday, May 31, 2013

It's the Weekend and the Wheel has turned again!

It's the Weekend again.  We all know what that means. 
Self-Care time!  What are you going to do for YOU this weekend?  Have you put aside some time yet to tend to your own needs? 
If not do it now!  Even if its only half an hour.
Self-Care is not pampering, it is taking the time you need to care for yourself.  We spend all our time caring for the ones we love and rarely take the time we need for ourselves.  When we go week after week busy with everything and everyone we run out of time and energy for ourselves.  So that's why dedicating time on the weekend to ourselves we can refill our tanks and go on with caring for the others in our lives.
 This weekend the Wheel turns again.  For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere we have entered the dark months of the year as Winter begins.  Our self-care needs are about nurturing and turning inwards to care for inner self.  It is time to hibernate and stay inside and work on our shadow selves.
For our friends in the Northern Hemisphere you have entered Summer so your self-care needs are different.  Get outside and enjoy the warmth and fresh air.  Take your shoes off and walk on the grass feeling mother earth fill you with energy. 
By honouring our body's needs in sync with the cycles and seasons of the earth we can create that ever elusive balance that we all seek in our lives. 
As with everything in life it is important to us we make it a priority and in doing so create the time, invest the energy into making it a reality. 
YOU are important so make yourself a priority, create the time and invest the energy into making your dreams a reality.
Make a commitment to yourself to start making YOU a priority.  There is nothing to feel guilty about in taking time out to care for yourself.  Give yourself permission.  Believe me it is worth it. 
So on this cold and wet weekend I am going to snuggle up, stay warm and read my book I have been trying to get through for the last couple of months.
I would love to hear what you have planned for YOU this weekend. 
Photo from "The Hill".  First day of Winter.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

It's the Weekend!!!

We all know what that means.  It's time to do something for YOU!

Its cold and wet here so this gives me some time work on a couple of UFO's (Un-Finished Objects) that I have laying around.  It seems to have been a theme this week.  I had a few work projects hanging around that I have finished off.

Last weeks Eclipse highlighted that I had jumped in to some projects, exciting as they were, I hadn't followed them through to completion.  Most of them only needed a few little touch ups to finish them off.  The relief and satisfaction from tidying up that never ending To-Do-List is quite exciting freeing up space on that list for new and exciting projects, but that is Monday's job.

For now it is the Weekend and its time to turn that list upside down so I am at the Top!

Have an amazing Weekend everyone and enjoy a little time just for YOU!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day Mum!

My sister posted this photo this morning in honour of Mother's Day. These are the amazing, strong and beautiful women of my family. The babies are my Brother and Sister, then there is my Mum, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother and my Great Great-Grandmother.

When I think of the challenges each of these women faced during their lives, my troubles seem quite trivial and puts a lot into perspective. Each of them were Military Wives, who raised their families through some of the most extreme times of War and the Depression, just to name a few.

When I look at this photo I am reminded of the Strong Matriarchal family line I have. They faced each challenge with a strength and dignity that I can only aspire to. Within a Patriarchal society these women existed in a strong Matriarchal family.

Mother's Day brings up mixed emotions for me now. As Mum I look forward to seeing my beautiful girls today and sharing a wonderful afternoon with my family, as a daughter tears well as I remember my beautiful mother who is with me in my heart today, and everyday.

Happy Mother's Day Mum!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Some of the new changes on the Blog.

I hope your all enjoying the new look on the blog.  For those of you who are not so computer savvy I thought I would explain some of the changes that I have made around here.  Don’t worry you wouldn’t believe how long it has taken me to work out all of this.  So rather than you having the headache I did, I will make it easier for you.
The first option is you can enter your email address into the box at top right hand side of the blog.  By choosing this option you will receive emails directly from me with updates on the Blog.  It’s as easy as that!
The next option is really simple especially if you follow a few different Websites and Blogs
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a notification system that tells you when there are updates to sites that you like. 
You can set up a Reader for your RSS on any device: computer, iPad, smartphone, so that you've get the updates when and where you want to read them.
Best of all it's free!
All you need is to be connected to the Internet and some sort of Feed Reader. There's a stack of them about. Your device probably automatically has one set up all ready. For example, Apple products and Safari have the MacReader. If you use the Google Chrome browser your Reader will be set to Google Reader... which, sadly, is in it’s last death throws as we speak.  So if you have been using Google Reader you may want to look at this option.
RSS Feeds means as soon as that writer has posted their article, you can get on it.  You can organise the sites you follow into folders too.  This is great option if you have several websites and blogs you like to check in on a regular basis.  This option can be a little bit tricky to set up if your not overly computer savvy, unless your device has one already installed.
You can click on the RSS button at the bottom of the page (just below the new Moon Phases app.)

The next option is great for people who love reading their favorite blogs.
Bloglovin is my new favorite thing online.  
Best of all you sign in with your facebook account so no more messing around filling forms to join. 
Then once you’ve created your account you get the option to collect any other feeds you may have and bang there all imported.  You have control over how often you get your up dates of either daily or weekly.  Then all you have to do is sit back with a cuppa and open your email. 
It’s a bit like your own newspaper, where you have chosen the articles you want to read.

Of cause if you want to keep getting your updates via facebook and twitter that’s all good too.  However, if you are not online all the time you will miss out on a lot of updates and upcoming changes.  These can also be time consuming when you want to go back and find something later.
If you have any problems with the links or setting up how you want to interact with the blog just email me and I will see what I can do to help.  I hope you enjoy the option you choose to interact with the blog.
Happy Reading!

The Solar Eclipse has Started!


ADELAIDE – Best time: 8.15am Start time: 7.09am End: 9.29am
BRISBANE – Best time: 8.58 Start 7.41am End: 10.28am
CANBERRA – Best time: 8.55am Start: 7.50am End: 10.10am
HOBART – Best time: 8.59am Start: 8.06am End: 9.57am
MELBOURNE – Best time: 8.52am Start: 7.50am End: 10.02am
SYDNEY – Best time: 8.57 Start: 7.50am End: 10.14am

A solar eclipse is an event where the Moon passes in between of the Earth and the Sun, and subsequently appears to completely, or partially, block out the bright disc of the Sun from our view. In the case of a total eclipse, almost all of the light is blocked. In an annular — ring of fire — eclipse the Moon appears smaller than the Sun, and as a result leaves a ring (annulus) of the Sun around the Moon.

This is eclipse will be a partial eclipse for a lot of Australia yet the energies and significance are still potent.

Take note at what comes up for you over the next couple of hours.  The Eclipse gives us a glimpse at our shadows.  What is it that you need to let go of to bring in the new? 

This New Moon in Taurus is a time for fresh beginnings, so we are blessed to have the opportunity the eclipse brings us at the start of this influence from Taurus. 

Check out my facebook page for New Moon Reports.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Change is a foot!!!

As you can see I have made a lot of changes to the Blog.  Not just how it looks but how you can interact now.  There are a few options for you to keep up with all the latest posts.

  1. You can sign up via email so you don’t miss out on anything new.
  2. You can follow via RSS.
  3. Or you can sign up through Networked Blogs so you can keep all your favorite blogs in a daily email.
  4. You can still get your updates via facebook and twitter.
If there are any issues with the new links, etc. please leave me a comment either here or on my facebook page and I will try to get it fixed asap.  Thanks.

This is just the start of changes happening around here.  I am really excited and can’t wait to share with you as the page grows and evolves.  I hope you continue your journey with me to see where we end up.

I look forward to seeing you all around the Web.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Essence of an Angel

 Seasonal Celebrations Samhain Gathering

Last night we celebrated Samhain with a Drumming Circle and of cause a Harvest Feast. All the produce was from Local Producers. Everything was ...sourced within a 20 km radius. We are truly blessed to have such amazing food on our doorsteps.

We also made our New Year Manifestations offering them up in Fire released.

In honour of our ancestors that have passed we had wreath made of Willow and then with the choice of Rosemary or Thyme to thread into the wreath. We then offered it to the fire as an act of acknowledgment.

I can't forget to mention our wonderful Gypsy we had for the evening giving everyone an Oracle Reading for the New Year.

I would like to thank everyone who came to help make it such a wonderful night.

Photo Credits: Amie Watson.