It's the Weekend again. We all know what that means.
Self-Care time! What are you going to do for YOU this weekend? Have you put aside some time yet to tend to your own needs?
If not do it now! Even if its only half an hour.
Self-Care is not pampering, it is taking the time you need to care for yourself. We spend all our time caring for the ones we love and rarely take the time we need for ourselves. When we go week after week busy with everything and everyone we run out of time and energy for ourselves. So that's why dedicating time on the weekend to ourselves we can refill our tanks and go on with caring for the others in our lives.
This weekend the Wheel turns again. For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere we have entered the dark months of the year as Winter begins. Our self-care needs are about nurturing and turning inwards to care for inner self. It is time to hibernate and stay inside and work on our shadow selves.
For our friends in the Northern Hemisphere you have entered Summer so your self-care needs are different. Get outside and enjoy the warmth and fresh air. Take your shoes off and walk on the grass feeling mother earth fill you with energy.
By honouring our body's needs in sync with the cycles and seasons of the earth we can create that ever elusive balance that we all seek in our lives.
As with everything in life it is important to us we make it a priority and in doing so create the time, invest the energy into making it a reality.
YOU are important so make yourself a priority, create the time and invest the energy into making your dreams a reality.
Make a commitment to yourself to start making YOU a priority. There is nothing to feel guilty about in taking time out to care for yourself. Give yourself permission. Believe me it is worth it.
So on this cold and wet weekend I am going to snuggle up, stay warm and read my book I have been trying to get through for the last couple of months.
I would love to hear what you have planned for YOU this weekend.
Photo from "The Hill". First day of Winter.
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