The amount of
change and manifestation I have experienced has been surreal to say the
least. I am not sure where to start as
the journey to get to where I am sitting at this moment and writing this
started many years ago. As all journey’s
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Before Makeover |
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Before Makeover |
Over the Long Weekend we just had I spent the whole three day’s converting the beginning of my dreams into reality. My so called “office” (spare room) was not the space I needed it to be. I had done what I could working around spare bits of furniture that we had nowhere else to put when we moved in, you know how spare rooms end up. Anyway, it is time to make the changes needed to start creating the life I want.
So that’s where I am now sitting in my new Creative Goddess Temple Space. No longer is there pieces of unwanted “stuff” in here. Each object has been picked and placed exactly where I want it to be and the best thing that because it is my space if I want to change it again I can, but at the moment I love it just as it is. My space now represents where I have evolved to and as I evolve and grow I am sure my space will too.

Now you know
where I am but I need to tell you how and why I am here, how I got here and
what I plan to do next.
I recently signed
up to Leonie Dawson’s Biz Life Academy.
Now I am not going to give you sales pitch, unless you ask of cause, but
anyway I digress. I have started an
e-course and the first week’s notes where Leonie’s story and we were asked to
share what inspired us from her story. Well to be honest I was inspired to tell my own story. In the process I am hoping it will help me
define why I am here and what I am going to do next.
where do I start the story? I won’t bore
you with my whole life story. I will be
40 this year and am a Mum of 2 amazing almost grown up girls aged 17 and 20. I injured my back at work in 2005 and now
suffer from Chronic Pain due to a degenerative disc disorder. This has slowed
me down physically but it hasn’t stopped me from creating the life I want.
Having my girls
young has meant that I have done things opposite to most people. Instead of going to Uni and starting my
career first, I had my family first. It is odd to see many of the people I went to school with
only just beginning their families when mine are all but grown. Now I said I wasn’t going to bore you with my
whole life story so I think you have a bit of an idea of where I am at in my
life at the moment. Now to the catalyst
that changed my path.
February 2009 the Bushfires hit our beautiful piece of the world. For a month we lived on high alert with
blazes surrounding us at times. We
evacuated 5 times during that month. 2
cars loaded with 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, my Mum and Hubby and I.
At the end of the
month I remember I was watching the Aid concert on TV and the rain came. Man did the rain come. We all went outside and danced in the
rain. We were
finally safe, we could finally let our guard down and relax. While I was dancing in the rain I declared to
the Universe that it was my time to start doing what I was put on this earth to
do. I wasn’t
sure what that was at that point in time I just knew that it I had been given
the opportunity do what I wanted to do.
My girls were both in High School and I knew it wouldn’t be long until
my role as Mum would evolve into the next phase and that I was 36 and still
young enough to do whatever I wanted to do with my life.
became a student. I studied Holistic
Health, Meditation, Stress Therapy, Inner Woman Development, Mind /Body
Connection. The list goes on. I thought I was going to go into Holistic
Counselling and see clients one on one.
Who knows I still might do that but my goals and situation has changed
slightly. I could not believe it I was
getting 100% on every assignment I sent in.
I felt like I already knew the things I was learning. I loved it. I was researching
and writing nearly every day and I don’t remember being happier and more content.
I was there for my girls before
and after school every day and doing what I loved. While I was studying I began
volunteering with the Bushfire relief effort at a Complementary Health
Clinic. Before long I was employed as
Admin Officer and working up to 50 hours a week. My Mother passed away from a long battle with
Breast Cancer and I only took a week off to “deal” with everything. Needless to say I
burnt out. I have written an article
about this on my Blog.
Then 9 months ago
we moved into this beautiful new house, still renting but loving the freedom it
gives me, I am sure I must have gypsy in me
somewhere. It was just before the
Spring Equinox so I decided to hold a gathering as the house is perfect to facilitate
such events. Hubby even dug out a Fire
Pit in the back yard for me.
the start of last year I had already been writing “info” sheets on each of the
Seasonal Celebrations for a friend of mine so I printed some off and handed
them out to everyone and before I knew it I was holding circle. We had
a wonderful evening.
I had been
attending Red Tent since October 2009 so it was really nice to share circle
with our men too. The next full moon
Hubby and I were sitting outside when I decided that One on One counselling
sessions were not what I felt drawn to do anymore, it didn’t seem enough. I have so much to
share that one on one just wasn’t going to cut it. I decided that I would hold more circles to
coincide with the Seasonal Celebrations and share with our community what we
have forgotten in the Modern Age. I
started blogging and set up a Facebook page. I have now held 3 circles and have started
co-facilitating workshops with a friend.
I have knowledge that don’t just
want to share I feel an obligation to share.
the last 9 months I have been writing more about how being connected to the
Earths Seasons and Cycles we can improve our Health and Wellbeing. By honouring our bodies and caring for
ourselves we can improve our lives. We do create our realities. Whatever thoughts we give energy is what we
manifest in our lives. I used to
think that was just some New Age jargon and never really believed it. Until I gave it go. To my
amazement it actually works. Once you put
energy into the thoughts the thoughts turn into actions, the actions then turn
our thoughts into our reality. It
really is that easy.
creating my own business I can work my own hours. The hours that are mine now. My role as Mum, as I predicted, have evolved.
My eldest daughter, now 20, has moved
out and is going to Uni and my youngest daughter, 17, is doing a School Based Traineeship. On the mornings that
I wake up at 4am I can create to my heart’s content. If I need to go the Physio or Doctors I can
go. If I want to go out for lunch I can.
you have it. How I got to where I am now. I am about to
turn 40 and have that amazing feeling I did at 18 that the world is at my feet
ready for me to step into what I am meant to be doing. My past
was not an easy journey, I experienced a lot of pain and suffering from a young
age and due to the pain made some decisions, that like most of us, that perhaps
were not the wisest at the time but I don’t regret
my past, in fact in way I feel blessed by it. All of my experiences have made me who I am
today. If I had not had those
experiences I would not have learned the lessons that were put in my path.
In Australia, the
Aboriginals used to use fire to rejuvenate the land, many of our plants need
the heat of the fire to create new growth.
I feel that for me the Bushfires cleared away enough of the old dead
would hanging around for me to see my way clear and find my path again.
“The Phoenix
rising from the ashes.”
have sown the seeds and now beginning to see the new growth emerging. It is exciting and scary all at the same
it is time to start sharing my wisdom with the world. Through my creations I will be able to share
with the world the knowledge and wisdom I have stored inside me that is
bursting to be released.
may have had one hell of ride to get to here but it’s time for me to go and
find the bigger waves and start enjoying the ride.
© Ange Foster
Thank you for sharing your story, Ange! I am inspired.