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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Moon in Taurus - Partial Solar Eclipse

This New Moon falls in Taurus.  The Taurean New Moon brings the Goddess Venus to help us with the new beginnings and awakenings triggered by The Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon two weeks ago.
This New Moon brings with it a Partial Solar Eclipse closing the door on this current Eclipse Phase.  This Eclipse speaks of health, health of the body, mind and soul and what our true values really are.  The Goddess Venus is here to help us step into our power and begin Living the Life we are meant to Live.
How did everyone get through the last couple of weeks?  We have had some intense energies thrown at us.  April has been a ride and a half, however it is not quite time to get of the ride.  For a summary of the last couple of weeks check my last post for the Full Moon in Libra.
We are still feeling the effects of the Cardinal Grand Cross that peaked last week, the planets involved are still in the process of moving out of this formation.  The Taurean New Moon tonight brings us grounding energy which we have been lacking the last few weeks.  We will find it easier to ground our Mind, Body and Soul feeling more centred than we have been.
The theme with this pair of Eclipces has been one of clearing out the old and now having the space to bring in the new.  During this time we need to care for ourselves as we welcome in our new way of life.  Do not think you are being selfish needing to take time out for you, in fact you are being Self-ful.  Self-Care is not selfish it is Self-Ful which is something we all need to practice.  This can be a hard concept to get our minds around at times especially when we have to do and be for so many around us, let alone taking time out for ourselves.  At the end of the day though, if we don’t care for ourselves we won’t be able to care for those around us.
It is said that during the Eclipses the veil between the worlds are at their thinnest.  Quite interesting considering tonight is the Eve of Samhain here in the Southern Hemisphere.  Samhain is time when we honour ancestors.  Check back here tomorrow for a full Samhain Report.
New Moon Blessings to All.
©Ange Foster
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Full Moon in Libra - Blood Moon

Tuesday 14th April 2014
Total Lunar Eclipse – Blood Moon
5.51pm AEST – Maximal Eclipse

If you thought April had already been a Roller Coaster ride then you had better hold on tighter because the ride hasn’t finished yet.  This month’s Full Moon is packing an extra whammy!  This Full Moon is the first in the upcoming Tetrad which is a series of four Blood Moons over the next twelve months.  There is myriad of symbolism attached to Blood Moons.  One thing that most astrologers agree on though is that Eclipse’s highlight and areas of our lives that are in Shadow. 
With the astrological line up we have already experienced since the start of the Year most of us are already well on the path of clearing out what no longer serves us.  This Eclipse gives us a glimpse of what is still in Shadow.  This Full Moon is in Libra which is all about balance.  Balance in our Relationships, balance in our work commitments and so on.  Many of us have begun the process of removing Relationships that are not in balance and not serving our Higher Purpose.  These Relationships may be work related, social or romantic.  Remember that when we sever any relationship we go through a stage of grief so be kind and nurture yourself during this time. 
We are also approaching the peak of the Cardinal Grand Cross in the night skies.  The line-up of the Cardinal Grand Cross formation is one of the most difficult alignments. It happens when four planets hold the same (or close) degree in the four cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — each planet making a 90 degree angle from each other. Not sure what I mean? Just think of a big square in the sky and you’re in the middle and everyone is arguing around you; everyone has their own agenda and not cooperating.  The planets involved in this Grand Event are Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto. What does this mean? Change. Total gut level, hyper focused change.  The effects of this Grand Cross have been in play since January and will continue to influence us until July this year.  This combined with the two Black Moons we had in January and March, Mars and Saturn Retrograde many of us already feel like we have had our lives shaken up.  This Blood Moon will shine a light on anything that hasn’t been shaken up yet.
 All of these influences could be leaving you feeling like your head and life are in a spin.  Don’t stress though we are being given the opportunity to make the changes we need to make to Live the Life we were born to Live.  So if you are in the midst of change don’t fear or worry, things are happening the way they are meant to and you are completely supported by the Universe.  Be kind and nurture yourself and trust that you are right where you are meant to be.
Blood Moons are also said to be a time when the veils between the worlds are thin allowing us to communicate with the other side.  Similar to what happens at Samhain which is April 30th, here in the Southern Hemisphere.  We also have a Partial Solar Eclipse at the New Moon on April 29th.   I will write more about these events as we draw closer to the close of the Month and the Dark Moon.
I wish you all a wonderful and restful time over the next week, however you choose to celebrate this time.  I am off to spend some much needed ME time and Reconnecting with Our Great Mother Gaia for a week. 
Full Moon Blessings to All!
©Ange Foster
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Images from Google Images.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 14th - Thought of the Day

“We must build human relevance into the paradigms of science itself.”
- Steven and Hillary Rose
Science itself is not to be feared.  We fear what science is capable of – just as we fear what human beings are capable of, when they act on violent feelings, without control or choice.  Science is a powerful tool of the human mind, when it’s used with respect and tenderness for the unity of life.
It isn’t human relevance we need so much as relevance t this seamless unity.  As our capacity for knowledge grows, we glimpse more clearly how interrelated all human efforts are with the great rhythmic processes of the planet.  The paradigms of science are the models it makes of the world.  When scientists make a model that ignores relevance they risk using their knowledge. Stupidity or harmfully.
We need to recognise that science is part of our human endeavour – not more nor less than art or agriculture or raising children, but part of all of them (as they’re part of science).  We must remember how broad a definition of human relevance we need, when we contemplate the unbroken beauty of the world.
There is a choice in all activity, so I will prepare choose well.
©Ange Foster
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 13th - Thought of the Day

“You can have your cake and eat it.  But my God, it will go rotten inside you.” – D.H. Lawrence
When you try to hang on to another person or to any part of life, we impede the natural flow.  To be in harmony, we must let go.  “You must lose your life in order to find it.”  Real strength, real self-respect, is achieved only by setting the hungry self aside.
It’s human to want to hold on to what’s precious.  Although, life’s real treasure is found in achieving the rhythm of ebb and flow.  Joy is not a constant state.  Glory is part of a cycle that includes defeat.
Accepting imperfection, accepting change, is part of accepting our humanity.  We obey the same cyclic laws that govern the universe.  Success in living depends on accepting that one day we’ll eat cake and the next we won’t.  Fear tempts us to hoard the crumbs of our success, but wisdom lets us brush them away.
“I will remember that joys recur just as sorrows do.”
©Ange Foster
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Friday, April 11, 2014

April 12th - Thought of the Day

“We must be true inside, true to ourselves, before we can know a truth that is outside us.” – Thomas Merton.
Integrity is not given in everyone’s life.  It is the result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in our response to all situations in our lives.  We are quick to recognise this quality in others, and hope to acquire it ourselves.  However, we must cultivate risk taking and cast off fears of rejection and derision if we’re to discover the serenity a fully integral life offers.
Recognition of truth in others, realisation of the appropriateness of decisions or the aptness of choices is made easier when we’re certain of the truth of our lives.  The inner turmoil dissipates and we are quiet within when we choose to live lives full of truth.  In the quiet we discern all truths.  How much softer the edges of experience when we’re guided by truth.  How much easier every decision, every choice, when we’ve committed ourselves to a course of total honesty.
My level of peace is my responsibility.  I will find just as much as I need.
©Ange Foster
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April 11th - Thought of the day

“Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends on the tide of the mind.”
 – Alice Meynell
It’s all too easy to blame a friend, spouse, or co-worker for the uneven quality of our lives.  If only others would behave according to our plans and dictates, then all would go well, we think, what seldom is remembered or even understood is that each of us has an individual perspective on any single event – our own.  We need to stretch our minds and hearts to understand an experience from another’s point of view.  However, we need never fully understand how another perceives life.  We need only to accept that another’s perspective is legitimate.
Our happiness is not dependent on the perceptions or actions of someone else.  Nor is it dependent on attention, or lack of it, from a loved one.  Our occupation may be challenging and fulfilling; however, the joy we get from it depends on the attitude we carry to the job.  In every way, whether in the company of others or by ourselves, we make our own happiness.
My opportunity for happiness is guaranteed if I opt for it today.

©Ange Foster
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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 10th - Thought of the Day

“If an idea, I reasoned, were really a valuable one, there must be some way of realising it.” – Elizabeth Blackwell 
These words were written by the first woman who earned a medical degree.  They’re useful to anyone who fears that their most precious dreams are doomed to failure.
If our dreams are valuable ideas, they will be useful goals.  If they’re childish fantasies, they won’t, although they may be fun.  It’s important to distinguish the ones we can achieve from and the ones we can’t.  The first kind will nourish us, like bread; the others, like sweets, won’t.
We have a responsibility to those nourishing dreams because they come from what’s best in us.  Our responsibility is to live so that the dream might be realised.  When dreams become goals, they have a way of calling us forth.  Goals organise our lives, so that we may reach them.
Reaching my goal is never as important as the progress I made towards it.
©Ange Foster
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