For those of us going through Winter, take a peek outside and get some inspiration from nature, you will see signs of New Life popping up everywhere. Next week we celebrate Imbolc which is the mid-way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Astrologically the mid-way point this year is August 7th. As this date changes each year it is often observed on August 1st.
At Imbolc we
begin to see the first signs of Spring, flowers are starting to bloom and the
days are getting longer. Imbolc is the
Celebration of the Mother Goddess with the young Sun God that was born at Yule. This is Sacred day for the Divine
Feminine. On this day our Ancestors
would initiate any of the young girls who had begun their Moontime into the
Sisterhood and the Feminine Mysteries.

This is a perfect time to revisit the Manifestations you set in place at the start of the Year. Tick off what you have already achieved. Make any adjustments needed with any changes you have experienced through the year so far. Set any New Manifestations that you want to achieve. Start working on your new Manifestations and any you haven’t started on. Just as we are seeing the first signs of Spring appear, we can also see how the seeds we planted at the start of the year are growing and beginning to bloom.
This is a
wonderful time to Celebrate the Goddess and our Earth Mother. Spend some time outside if you can (rug up
though it’s still cold out there). Create a special night with the Goddess and Honour the Divine Feminie
within you. Put yourself at the top of
that pesky To-Do-List and do something that makes your Soul Sing. Create a special place in your home to display
signs of the Wheel beginning turn towards Spring.
Many Blessings to
you all and may all your Manifestations come to reality.
©Ange Foster
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Photo's from Google Images.
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