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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tonight's Dark Moon!

Tonight we journey within as the moon goes dark.  Following the different phases of the moon is what our bodies naturally do; however the head doesn’t always follow.   When we become so busy and overwhelmed with all the things that have to be done our thoughts are not in tune with the moon’s cycles.   When this happens we forget to take some time just to slow the thoughts down long enough to check in with our bodies and see how things are going.

Slow down enough to have a think about how life is going at the moment.  Am I achieving the goals I have set myself?  Do I have any goals at the moment?  Am I just so busy with everyone else’s shit that I haven’t had time to think about what I might want to do?  Or my personal favorites oh that’s right I got all motivated at the start of the year and made my vision boards and wrote out my intentions and manifestation lists, ….. now where did I last see that?

As women our bodies naturally flow with the moons cycles.  Alone we each have our unique cycles and when we spend a lot of time and are connected with other women our cycles blend together.

Not all of us bleed on the Dark Moon but we can still honour the night by slowing down and journeying inwards to check in with how things are going?  What’s working?  What’s not?  What can be done to make things better?  Work out how you can make them happen and start manifesting your dreams into realities.

The next couple of months are going to be a wonderful ride of energies cosmically.  We have two Lunar Eclipses and a Solar Eclipse coming up.  The upcoming Full Moon is my personal sign of Scorpio.  Not to mention the Mars and Venus, Masculine and Feminine, connection and being in balance together.  Pluto is coming to a halt for a few months, which will bring up things we thought we’d dealt with.  Saturn Retrograde still bringing up shadow Scorpio issues for all of us.  Then seasonally the Wheel is beginning to turn to the dark half of the year with Samhain in a few weeks.

So now is a great time to start following the lunar month and tuning into the energies that we are blessed to have around us at this time to go within and figure out what is going to make us happy.  Check back in with those goals you set 4 months ago and see how much you can check off and think about what you can add to it.  Give the vision board a spruce up if need be.

Try meditating for a while.  Eat some comfort food for tea have a bath and go to bed early.

Draw or write in your journal.  Go to Red Tent and spend the night with your SisStars.  Do whatever it is that you do to slow down and check in with how things are going, and if it is something you haven’t done before do it.  Give it go; you never know you might enjoy it.

We women need to get it through our heads that taking care of ourselves is not pampering, it’s vital to our health and wellbeing.

So what are you going to do for the Dark Moon tonight?

Photo's from Google Images.

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