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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wow what a week and it's only Wednesday.

Wow what a week and it's only Wednesday. 

The energies of this month’s New Moon must be having quite an effect on me, not mention some ConFest Vibes still holding on.  Aries is the time to set our intentions for how we want our lives to be and if the last few days are anything to go by I think I am in for quite a ride.  Check out my page for the next Lunar Month's reports from some of my favorite Astrologers and Writers.

We are coming up to the next series of eclipses and the creative down load I had then was huge, so I can't wait to see what happens this time.

I hope you all enjoyed my latest little offering on my blog about last nights Dark Moon.  Archie has started hassling me that we haven’t shared any of his adventures yet, so check back soon to see what he’s been up too.

I am working on an article about Red Tent and the SiStarhood.  I won’t tell you much yet but it should be ready to post soon.

One of the projects I am working on now is a series of eight articles, which I have some little idea about expanding into an e-book, and then further the development of the project into an online course.  The idea’s beyond the original 8 articles is just musings at the moment.  Focusing more on getting the series written first.

The big project that I am focusing on at the moment though is organising the Samhain Gathering on Saturday 4th May.  Samhain is the big one, not to mention my favorite, so I am putting lots of energy into this one.  There will be a Facebook Event page set up shortly, just have a couple of confirmations I need to make.  I’ll give you a bit of a clue, The Fire Circle on the Hill will be where all the action will be.

As some of you are aware I spent Easter at ConFest!  If you haven’t heard of ConFest I urge you to look in to it and find out more.  Everyone’s experience at ConFest is different and every ConFest is different.  Last year my eldest daughter and I hired a van and had a road trip to experience our first ConFest.  We drove for 7 hours into the middle of nowhere to what is one of the most beautiful examples of the Australian Bush.  We camp out with thousands of other ConFesters.  Last year I immersed myself in the workshops and all the women’s groups and came away feeling grounded inspired and full of passion for life.  An amazing experience to share with my daughter.

This year the whole family made the pilgrimage.  A few hiccups in getting there but it wouldn’t be a family holiday without them would it?  Anyway this time I had a very different experience.  The night I got there my moontime came on so ConFest became a weeklong Red Tent in a way.  There was something quite beautiful and grounding about bleeding whilst at such a spiritual event.  The energies of the fire circles were amazing and to finally get to share some of that with my man was even more special.

The energy that has returned with me this time is like fire pit full of coals and glowing brightly rather than last years roaring flames of passion and energy for life.  This energy feels more sustainable though and far more nurturing.

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