Things have been
quite on the Blog front for a while. Lots
of changes have been going on. Big
changes have left my life bearing little resemblance to what it was. From the large family home I have downsized
to a gorgeous little cottage I now call home.
Many other changes have also been going on in the background also, which
has led me to where I am now.
Since Imbolc and
noticing the first signs of Spring and with it many new beginnings, as the
Wheel begins to turn towards the Spring Equinox later next month. All of these energies perfect for the New
Moon in Virgo in just over 5 hours from the time of this post. So, my new life at Adytum Cottage begins.
The Sabian Oracle
for today is “A Woman filled with her own Spirit, is the Father of her own Child” – This shows the ability, or need to be self-sufficient
and responsible for one’s own life.
Often there is the issue of single parenthood, or the sense of having to
raise yourself with little input from others….
It can show someone that they do not need the assistant of others for
even the most complicated tasks…. We are all blessed with individual qualities….
The Immaculate Conception. Doing
everything…. Facing the world whole.
Single living. Spiritual
Experiences… - Linda Hill.
How has everyone
been traveling with the Astro climate over the last couple of months? It has been a hectic time for most and
challenging. The climate has given us
the opportunity to really look below the surface of our life and address the
things that were no longer serving us.
If we haven’t wanted to look deep inside many of us have been forced
too, whether we wanted to or not.
The roller
coaster of 2014 is not coming to a stop any time soon, we still have a number
of planets retrograde until November, Pluto, Neptune and Chiron. Pluto is
bringing up a lot of shadow aspects that we normally shy away from. This is a good time for us to face our shadow
aspects and embrace them, after all they are part of us. Once we have faced our shadows we can clear
them and move on. Neptune is also
assisting us in this area as it is the planet of illusion and when retrograde,
the veils of illusion are lifted helping us to dig down deep and face what we
have been hiding from. Chiron, the
wounded healer, brings up old hurts and anger from our past, allowing us to
heal our wounds and allowing us to move on with our lives.
The first half of
2014 focused on our outer world where as now we are being shown our inner
world. Use these powerful energies to
heal the past and move into the future knowing that you are loved and supported
at this time. Just as Spring symbolises
new beginnings we are being urged to do the same in our lives now. Use the energy of this New Moon to set your
intentions for the next Lunar Cycle.
New Moon
Blessings to all!
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©Ange Foster
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