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Monday, December 30, 2013

Why I'm so excited about New Year's Eve? - It might not be what you think.

What an amazing year 2013has been!  A roller coaster ride would be putting it mildly I think.  Many of us have been pushed to make major changes in our lives.  With all changes there are endings and beginnings.  This causes grief, fear, challenges and excitement, quite often all at the same time too.  All of which is confronting and exhausting.  For me personally and many I know this past year of the Snake has truly been one of shedding my old skin making room for what I my Soul is craving and calling me to become.
I love this “in-between” week.  The week between Christmas and the New Year.  Before Christmas is a crazy time and then we are blessed with this “in-between” week where most of us are able to switch off for a bit.  Let our bodies have time to catch up and our minds to slow down.  It is a time that we can breathe and just be.  However you wish to be, Relaxing, Playing, Catching up with Loved ones or taking time just for you. 
This year I am so excited about New Years Eve and Day.  Although not for the reasons you might assume.  This year we are really blessed to have some fairly extraordinary events taking place and I for one am not going to let this opportunity pass by without taking advantage of the promise what it can become!
What makes this year so different you might ask?  Well!  Where do I start?  Yesterday, December 29th, the sun completed it’s 22 year cycle by reversing its polarity.  Every 11 years the sun changes flips, swapping its North and South poles.  Although this doesn’t cause us any physical effects as such on Earth, energetically there is a lot of activity. 
For more information on this visit my Facebook Page.
This year we also have the Dark Moon on New Year’s Eve and the New Moon on New Year’s Day.  The last time this happened was 19 years ago.  It is also a Super New Moon meaning it is at its closest point of orbit to the earth.  Pluto is also closely linked to this New Moon which is likely to create very strong and powerful endings and beginnings.  Pluto’s connection will also create a sense of self-empowerment.  The New Moon phase is traditionally the time withdraw and go within to examine ourselves and set in place the changes we wish to make.  This is a powerful time to set our intentions and what we wish to manifest for the coming lunar cycle.  Combining this with New Year makes it a super charged time to set our New Year Manifestations!  We also have an extra whammy for January as we have a 2nd New Moon on the 31st coinciding with the Chinese New Year of the Horse.  When I think of the year of the Horse I imagine charging ahead full of speed and energy for whatever lies ahead of me. 
This New Moon is in Capricorn which is ambitious, imagine the Goat steadily making its way up a Mountain.  This just adds even more energy to our New Year Manifestations.
In short my suggestion for this New Moon/Year aim High.  Make your Intentions for 2014 bigger than you can imagine.  You have the energy of the Universe behind you, supporting you and encouraging you to step in to your Soul’s purpose bigger and better than you ever have before.
New Year’s Eve be sure to allow some time to be truly grateful for what 2013 has provided us, the good and the bad.  The challenges and the triumphs because without the lessons of the low’s we cannot truly appreciate the highs.  Celebrate what you have achieved and learned.  Bless 2013 and release it making room for all the amazing things 2014 has in store.
Happy New Year to all may it Blessed and Amazing!
For all your New Moon in Capricorn reports visit my

Monday, December 16, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

2014 Amazing Year Workbooks & Planners are finally here!

The 2014 Create Your Amazing Year workbook & calendar is an incredibly popular & useful tool to help you plan out & make happen you’re most incredible year in life or business (or both!). Over the last five years, thousands of women have used this workbook with the most amazing results. It’s the best planning tool available to help you make your year your most exceptional yet!
Used by entrepreneurs, artists, mamas, creatives, coaches, teachers and women of all ages, the Create Your Amazing Year in Life and Biz workbooks are filled with dozens of pages of powerful worksheets & a printable calendar to help you create your amazing new year.
Click on this Link to get your copy today!

New Moon in Sagitarius

For all your New Moon in Sagittarius Reports
visit my

Thursday, October 31, 2013

All things Seasonal and Astrological

New Moon in Scorpio
Solar Eclipse
Mercury Retrograde
And so much more.
For all your Astrology and Sabbath Updates
Visit my Facebook Page


To read my free eBook on Beltaine.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Only 2 Days to go till Beltaine!


The Wheel of the Year is turning. Only 2 days to go till Beltaine. Can you feel the veils thinning? Or even catching glimpses of the Faye at play?

This is such a beautiful time of the year. Add the veil thinning to all the astrological events at play at the moment and it is truly a magical time to be on the planet.  Check out my FacebookPage for all your Astrological Reports and stay tuned for more information on Beltaine.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Super Full Moon in Aries.

What a Weekend we are in for?
We have the Super Full Moon in Aries, a Pre-Nebula Eclipse and Mercury going Retrograde just to name a few.  Hold on for the ride and embrace the energies around us at the moment.  Don’t fight the changes that this time is bringing, find the path of least resistance and go with the flow.  For all your reports and updates on all things Astrological taking place over this Weekend visit my

Sunday, October 13, 2013

How in tune with the earth are you?

How in tune with the earth are you?  Does daylight savings mess around with your body clock?  Don’t get me wrong I love the extra daylight hours at the other end of the day but I do find it messes around with my internal body clock.  I look at the clock and the time just doesn’t seem to add up with my body, it feels out of kilter.  I also find that it messes around with my routines, things like dinner being cooked later and later, my mornings are completely out of whack.  I’m sure you all know effects of your morning routines being knocked of whack, it can have an effect on your whole day.


We all know that if the morning runs smoothly it sets a good pace for the whole day.  We are now a week into Daylight Savings and my body is not happy with the change.   Normally I am awake well before sunrise and love watching the world wake up.  I am able to tell the time by which birds are singing and when the sun has risen the chorus of the birds is one of the blessings I love of living where I am.  It’s not just the sounds that I am blessed with, the colours of my beautiful mountains that change as the sun rises each morning.  My mountains continue to be a visual beauty throughout the day, changing colours and shades as the sun makes its path across the sky until sunset when the symphony of colours and sounds repeat.  These colours not only vary during the day but throughout the seasons.


Spring has sprung here in the Southern Hemisphere and watching the wonders of the earth waking up from its winter slumber has been a beautiful sight.  We all have a need to go within and have a winter slumber of our own.  We don’t go out as much, have the need to stay at home and snuggle up and stay warm.  Hibernate when we can.  During winter we can quite often lose our connection with the earth and her cycles.  This is normal for all of us.  Of course we still have to follow through with responsibilities but life does definitely does slow down.  Then when we hit spring we slowly begin to wake up and head back out into the world.


This waking up can bring with it great joy but it can also bring up some of the area’s in our lives that may need some work.  Spring has a habit of shining a light on parts of lives that we have not seen, or wanted to see, in ourselves.  This has defiantly been the case for me this Spring.  The last 6 weeks has been a process of looking at what is no longer working for me and working through letting go of what has been holding me back from living the life I want to live.  Some of things I have had to let go of has brought up many emotions including grief and loss.  Through this process though I have also discovered strengths that have laid dormant for many years.


As with Spring where we see the promise of new life all around us, I am also starting a new phase of my life.  This new phase is exciting and scary all at once, I am sure you know the feeling.  Rather than giving in to the fears though, I am using my new found strength to face these challenges head on and focusing on the exciting part of starting on this new phase of life.  I am not saying that this is easy by any means, I have had a roller coaster of a ride and if you follow me on Facebook you will know that astrologically it has been a roller coaster for most of us the last few months.  Although, with following the cycles and seasons of the earth we are able hold on for the ride and grow from the challenges.  Taking our cues from the earth can help us prepare and tackle almost anything life throws at us.

Here in the Southern Hemisphere the Wheel of the Year has not long turned past Ostara (Spring Equinox) and turning towards Beltaine.  This is a magical time when the earth is full of new life and the promise of the harvest from the seeds we have planted.  Although, as said to begin with we have also started Daylight Savings this week which has thrown my body clock completely out whack.  I try to live my life as closely as I can following the seasons and cycles of the earth so my head and body seem to be out of sync at the moment.  I look at the clock and my head knows what time it says yet my body is telling me something completely different.  My sleep patterns were already questionable to say the least but now they are all over the place. 


My mornings are out of sync which is having a flow on effect throughout the day.  Daylight savings has always had an effect on me and my routines and normally just as my body clock finally catches up before I know it we are turning the clocks back and I need to readjust all over again.  This year I am hoping to find the balance much sooner and maximise the extra daylight hours as much as I can.  This is going to be a challenge I know, seeing I am far more a morning person but as with the other challenges and changes that are happening in my life at the moment I am going to approach it head on.  Identifying the effects this time of the year has on my body clock has been the first step, as with all challenges.  I have adjusted my routines earlier this year and fingers crossed the readjustment will happen sooner.


Do you struggle with adjusting to Daylight Savings?  I would love to hear from you about how you deal with the adjustment.  Think about what Spring has shone its light on in your life and what changes you can make to live the life you want to live.  By tuning into the cycles and seasons of the earth you can find the balance that we all seek in our lives. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Amazing Biz + Life Academy Last Chance before prices go up!

Just a quick note to make sure you’ve seen this as I think you’ll be a great fit for it.

If you’re ready to have your own amazing biz and life, there’s a woman I think you should know about… her name is Leonie Dawson and she’s created something that I think every entrepreneur and woman should know about!

Leonie’s a hugely successful business owner who’s created her own half million dollar a year company in the space of a few hours a day (she’s a mama + really honours work-life balance). What’s more, she’s heart-centred, honest, a bit of a swear bear (okay, a LOT of a swear bear!) and a total open book about what works and what doesn’t.

Her Amazing Biz and Life Academy is something that just hasn’t been done anywhere else before – she gives away over $3800 of her business, marketing, meditation, spirituality, creativity, health and home programs for a ridiculously tiny price – all because she wants to help as MANY women as possible have their own amazing lives and businesses.

Prices are DOUBLING at the end of this month, I wanted to let you know about it now so you can save lots of moolah by getting in before then!

The Academy Success Stories are out of this world, and are inspiring just to read in their own right! Make sure you take some time today to check it out!


P.S. It’s so rare to find a teacher who so effortlessly incorporates business, spirituality + joy… Leonie and her Academy really are a world leader for women who are ready to have their own heart-centred, profitable, amazing lives and businesses!

P.P.S. Gentle reminder – Make sure you make your decision before October 1st so you can save hundreds!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Only a couple of spaces left for Wendy Rule Live @ Yarra Valley House Concert!


There are a couple of spaces left for 
for your EXCLUSIVE chance to book your cushion for a Live House

Concert with WENDY RULE to celebrate the Spring Equinox.
  Remember this is a Pre-Booked and Pre-Paid Event.

If you want book your exclusive cushion for this rare opportunity please email


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Spring Equinox - Wendy Rule House Concert

I hope you all enjoyed Imbolc.  It is wonderful to see the first signs of Spring all around us now.  We are now seeing the day's get longer and warmer as the Wheel of the Year begins to turn towards the Spring Equinox, when Day and Night are equal.
Don't forget the next Seasonal Gathering will be for the Spring Equinox on Friday 13th September.
Spring signifies the time renewal and rebirth. This is a time of transition we let go of the old that no longer serves us and plant the seeds of our new lives. Our souls wake from their winter slumber and the Sun warms us and gives us new hope of what is to come. After the Equinox days begin to get longer moving our souls into action to make the changes needed to create and drive us towards our new intentions.
To celebrate this wonderful time of year I am excited to share
with you an intimate evening being entertained by the amazing
Songstress Wendy Rule with a live House Concert!

This is a Pre-booked and Pre- paid event and a there is a limit of 25 people.  There are only 7 places left. There will be lucky door prizes as well as the chance to buy Wendy's CD's @ $20 each or 3 for $50.  

 Cushions are being snapped up quickly. To share in this wonderful evening please email to book your cushion.
Payment details will be given once booking email has been received.
Ostara – Spring Equinox Kits
To help you Celebrate this Sacred time of renewal, rebirth and the balance of the Feminine and Masculine, Essence of an Angel has created a personalised kit for you.
 This personalised kit will include the basic needs create your own Celebration while allowing you to add your own creative touches to complete the personalised experience.
 Your kit will include:
•1 x 15 cm White Pillar Candle
•4 x Clear Quartz Points purposefully charged under the Aquarian Blue Full Moon
•1 x Charcoal Block
•1 x Sachet Ostara Incense personally blended for your special night
•1 x Personal Goddess Card Reading
•1 x Personal God Card Reading 
•1 x Personalised Instructions specially sealed to help guide you through your own celebration.
All you need to add is your intent and let your creative side do the rest.

This beautifully created personalised kit is valued at $60.   Although as a gift for you to allow you to create your own Ostara Celebration I would like to share these Kits with you for only $25.
To order your own Personalised kit please email
You will also have the chance to purchase these kits at the Gathering.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Imbolc which is the mid-way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.  Astrologically the mid-way point this year is August 7th. 
This year I decided to spend the day differently to how I usually do.  Yesterday I spent a wonderful day enjoying all the colours emerging in my garden and signs of Spring and New Life all around.
I spent the morning capturing some of the Magic occurring around me to share with you the beauty this time of year brings.  I hope you enjoy the magic too.
I then spent an amazing Evening with the Goddess.  I celebrated the coming of Spring and offered my Manifestations to the Goddess. 
Many Blessings to you all and may all your Manifestations come to reality.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


For those of us going through Winter take a peek outside and get some inspiration from nature, you will see signs of New Life popping up everywhere.    This week we celebrate Imbolc which is the mid-way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. 
 Astrologically the mid-way point this year is August 7th. 
As this date changes each year it is often observed on August 2nd.
 At Imbolc we begin to see the first signs of Spring, flowers are starting to bloom and the days are getting longer.  Imbolc is the Celebration of the Mother Goddess with the young Sun God that was born at Yule.  This is Sacred day for the Divine Feminine.  On this day our Ancestors would initiate any of the young girls who had begun their Moontime into the Sisterhood and the Feminine Mysteries. 
To help you Celebrate this Sacred Day of the Goddess Essence of an Angel is offering you an exclusive personalised kit.  This kit will help you create an intimate evening with the Goddess.
This personalised kit will include the basic needs create your own Intimate Evening with the Goddess while allowing you to add your own creative touches to complete the personalised experience.
 Your kit will include:
•1 x 15 cm White Pillar Candle
•4 x Clear Quartz Points purposefully charged under the Aquarian Full Moon
•1 x Charcoal Block
•1 x Sachet Imbolc Incense personally blended for your special night
•1 x Personal Goddess Card Reading 
•1 x Personalised Instructions specially sealed to help guide you through your own evening with the Goddess
All you need to add is your intent and let your creative side do the rest.
This beautifully created personalised kit is valued at $60.   Although as a gift for you to allow you to create your own Intimate Evening with the Goddess I would like to share these Kits with you for only $25.
To order your own Personalised kit please email

New Moon in Leo

For all your New Moon in Leo Reports visit my Facebook Page.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Ever had one of those weeks?  I am sure you have.  From first thing last Monday morning all my plans for the week began to fall apart.  To start with it was just an appointment being changed then by Wednesday my whole week had been turned upside down.  Before I knew it my mood spiralled down just as my plans had.


I should know better was my first thought.  Then before I knew it not only was my mood spiralling but my guilt was rising.  By Friday I had had enough of the world and turned off.  Suddenly I realised I was falling into old habits which don’t serve me, they only drag me down and hold me back from living the life I want to Live.


Seems that I am being forced to look in the mirror a bit lately.  Only difference now instead of not liking what I see, I observe it and do what I need to do to change it.


When I turned off on Friday, I jumped straight into self-care mode.  I had a wonderful weekend, not doing a lot but doing what I needed to do for me. 


Monday morning rolled around my enthusiasm and inspiration had reappeared.  Last week has gone and thankfully the Funk I was in went with it.  This is a new week and I feel back on track.  Plans are in motion and some surprises in store for everyone.  I can’t wait to let you all know what the surprise is.  Stay tuned for more info on these magical surprises.


 Some supper exciting news that I can share with you all now.  For the Spring Equinox Gathering we will be entertained by the Amazing Songstress Wendy Rule.  Check out the event page for details.


Time to get working on those magical surprises for you all.


Happy Hump Day!