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Monday, July 22, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Ever had one of those weeks?  I am sure you have.  From first thing last Monday morning all my plans for the week began to fall apart.  To start with it was just an appointment being changed then by Wednesday my whole week had been turned upside down.  Before I knew it my mood spiralled down just as my plans had.


I should know better was my first thought.  Then before I knew it not only was my mood spiralling but my guilt was rising.  By Friday I had had enough of the world and turned off.  Suddenly I realised I was falling into old habits which don’t serve me, they only drag me down and hold me back from living the life I want to Live.


Seems that I am being forced to look in the mirror a bit lately.  Only difference now instead of not liking what I see, I observe it and do what I need to do to change it.


When I turned off on Friday, I jumped straight into self-care mode.  I had a wonderful weekend, not doing a lot but doing what I needed to do for me. 


Monday morning rolled around my enthusiasm and inspiration had reappeared.  Last week has gone and thankfully the Funk I was in went with it.  This is a new week and I feel back on track.  Plans are in motion and some surprises in store for everyone.  I can’t wait to let you all know what the surprise is.  Stay tuned for more info on these magical surprises.


 Some supper exciting news that I can share with you all now.  For the Spring Equinox Gathering we will be entertained by the Amazing Songstress Wendy Rule.  Check out the event page for details.


Time to get working on those magical surprises for you all.


Happy Hump Day!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Photo a Day 5/7

Love – The Altar from our Handfasting Ceremony when we renewed our vows for our 10th Anniversary.

Photo a Day 4/7

Red, White or Blue – The Australian Flag from my father’s funeral 20 years ago this month and his medals.  30 years of Service.

It's the Weekend and the New Moon in Cancer!

What have you got planned for the Weekend?  I have decided to have a mini retreat.  As we approach the New Moon in Cancer over the Weekend.  This is a good time to look at where we need to be taking better care of ourselves. 


Each Weekend I talk to you about self-care and its importance.  I remind you that it is not pampering but essential to our wellbeing.  Self-Care has to become a priority in our lives if we are going to achieve what we are here to do.


With the New Moon in Cancer it is a perfect time for you to look at your life and see where you can be taking better care of yourself.  Are you eating Seasonally and giving your body the fuel it needs?  Are you getting enough exercise?  Are you spending time creating?  Are you meditating as much as you would like?  All of these questions are important if we really want to care for ourselves to the best of our abilities.


This Weekend I have planned a mini retreat at home.  I have mixed up a beautiful essential oil blend to add to my bath tonight.  I have stocked up on art supplies for my afternoon of creating tomorrow afternoon after I have been to the local growers market.  Sunday I will be meeting my daughter at the airport on her return from her first overseas trip to Cambodia.  After a family lunch I am coming home for a relaxing afternoon of Meditation and Journaling for the New Moon before spending a night of ritual.


Then to round out the whole weekend Monday night I have Red Tent where I will be honoured to share circle with my Amazing SiStarhood!


I so excited about having a mini retreat without having to spend a fortune and still honouring each part of myself. 


What are you going to do for your Weekend?  Why not plan a mini retreat?  The best thing about mini retreats is that we can do them anytime.  They don’t have to be a whole weekend.  They can be an evening, morning, afternoon or a whole week if we want.  Let your imagination run wild and see what you can come up with.


I’d love to hear some of your idea’s, you can share them here on my Facebook Page.  Make sure you check out my Facebook Page for all your New Moon Updates.


Have a Magical Weekend!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Share Something Original Day

During my morning musing of Facebook this morning I stumbled across this Event.  I love the idea and would love to see it grow, so I am doing my bit to spread the word.


Share Something Original Day


According to the Mayan Calendar July 25th is recognized as the "Day out of Time," a day to honour the vital role that art & culture plays in creating peace & harmony.


 On this day, I propose that we collectively enact a creative takeover of Facebook, sharing only things that we have ourselves created.


 Instead of the usual quotes and petitions and inspirational photos, let us plunge into the inexhaustible wells of our own creativity. Let us use our own voices, speak from our hearts, summon up our bravery and share something original.


 Whether it is a poem you wrote, a photo you took, a song you recorded or simply a status updating the beauty that is rushing in at you from all sides, make the pledge to let your uniqueness be felt and seen on this day by your community.


 In the words of Russian artist and humanitarian, Nicholas Roerich, "Where there is Peace, there is Culture; Where there is Culture, there is Peace."


 Feel free to post your creations on this Event Page or simply share them as your own status with the hashtag #ShareSomethingOriginal


 Time is Art,


Photo a Day - 3/7

Cold – Cold morning in the Valley.

Photo a Day - 2/7

Shoes – My Cherry Red Lady Jane Doc Martins.

Photo a Day 1/7

Happiness is …. Welcoming a new family member.