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Monday, August 25, 2014

New Moon in Virgo - 00:12 am AEST

Things have been quite on the Blog front for a while.  Lots of changes have been going on.  Big changes have left my life bearing little resemblance to what it was.  From the large family home I have downsized to a gorgeous little cottage I now call home.  Many other changes have also been going on in the background also, which has led me to where I am now.
Since Imbolc and noticing the first signs of Spring and with it many new beginnings, as the Wheel begins to turn towards the Spring Equinox later next month.  All of these energies perfect for the New Moon in Virgo in just over 5 hours from the time of this post.  So, my new life at Adytum Cottage begins.
The Sabian Oracle for today is “A Woman filled with her own Spirit, is the Father of her own Child” – This shows the ability, or need to be self-sufficient and responsible for one’s own life.  Often there is the issue of single parenthood, or the sense of having to raise yourself with little input from others….  It can show someone that they do not need the assistant of others for even the most complicated tasks…. We are all blessed with individual qualities…. The Immaculate Conception.  Doing everything…. Facing the world whole.  Single living.  Spiritual Experiences… - Linda Hill.
How has everyone been traveling with the Astro climate over the last couple of months?  It has been a hectic time for most and challenging.  The climate has given us the opportunity to really look below the surface of our life and address the things that were no longer serving us.  If we haven’t wanted to look deep inside many of us have been forced too, whether we wanted to or not.
The roller coaster of 2014 is not coming to a stop any time soon, we still have a number of planets retrograde until November, Pluto, Neptune and Chiron. Pluto is bringing up a lot of shadow aspects that we normally shy away from.  This is a good time for us to face our shadow aspects and embrace them, after all they are part of us.  Once we have faced our shadows we can clear them and move on.  Neptune is also assisting us in this area as it is the planet of illusion and when retrograde, the veils of illusion are lifted helping us to dig down deep and face what we have been hiding from.  Chiron, the wounded healer, brings up old hurts and anger from our past, allowing us to heal our wounds and allowing us to move on with our lives.
The first half of 2014 focused on our outer world where as now we are being shown our inner world.  Use these powerful energies to heal the past and move into the future knowing that you are loved and supported at this time.  Just as Spring symbolises new beginnings we are being urged to do the same in our lives now.  Use the energy of this New Moon to set your intentions for the next Lunar Cycle.
New Moon Blessings to all!
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©Ange Foster
Images courtesy of Google

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Winter Solstice - Yule

Southern Hemisphere – June 21st
Northern Hemisphere – December 22nd

The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year and at Sunrise is the birth of the Waxing Year, the days begin to grow longer and the nights shorter until Summer Solstice/Litha, the shortest night of the year.
The Winter Solstice can be a bit harder to celebrate in the Southern Hemisphere as Yule is associated with Christmas and here we are in the middle of June.  Although this does not mean that we can’t celebrate it.  It is Mid-Winter and it is the Shortest Day of year still. The Winter Solstice still represents the birth of the Sun God and days begin to lengthen from this point onwards. 
We can also take the blessings from Yule, honouring the return of the Sun and all the promises that this time brings.  The birth of Sun God is the birth of our potential.  As the days grow so does our potential.  What we birth/create for ourselves at this time can benefit from the Energies that come with this significant day. 
The Anglo-Saxon word for Solstice is Yule, that is derived from the Nordic word “iul”, meaning “Wheel” or “Sacred Circle” or “Wheel of Nature.
This is the witch's Christmas; so to speak.  It is a time of feasting and celebration.  In the Myth of the Wheel, it is the time the Goddess  as the Great Mother who gives birth and the Sun God is re-born. 
As with Samhain, this is a time that the Church were unable to convert the masses so came up with their own myth of the Birth of Christ from the Virgin Mother Mary.  The church originally celebrated Christmas in August but as the people the resisted their celebrations, they were forced to move their celebrations to December to coincide with the pagan festival.  Virgin is yet another word that’s meaning has been altered in modern times.   Originally the term Virgin meant that a woman was not promised to a man or married.  Therefore, a Virgin Mother was an unwed mother, yet again another contradiction in the teachings of the church.  A Virgin was therefore free to give herself to any man she chose.  In the Ancient Temples, Virgins of the Goddess or ‘Vestal Virgins’ were very active sexually.  Men who visited these temples gave themselves to these Virgins as an act of worship.  Any children born from these acts of worship were considered as a gift from the Goddess and given the utmost respect by the temple members. The Virgin, who is more commonly referred to as the Maiden were not the shy young girls as the church wished to turn them into but wild and free vibrant full of energy seeking the wisdom of life and her place in the world.
The Sun God who is born at Yule will become the Goddess’s Lover at the Spring Sabbath of Beltaine and the father and son again at Yule.  As our ancestors relied on the sun’s powers to grow the crops and provide light it was important that when the nights grew longer and the days shorter that the Sun God was called back to he’s fullest.  In ancient times many cultures only had two seasons Summer and Winter, unlike our four seasons, which now include Spring and Autumn.
In Norse traditions, Yule went for twelve nights, which perhaps is where the modern twelve days of Christmas originated.  This was also a time for them to contact their departed ancestors, just as the Celts do for Samhain. 
In ancient Egypt, they celebrated the return of their Sun God Ra and also the creation of the Universe.  In Egypt, December was the beginning of their short raining season and it was said that if it rained on the eve of Yule it was a special blessing from Ra whose tears brought new life on the night of his birth.
Native Americans celebrate Soualanwal, which means to Bring New Life.  They would aid the return of the sun with a Birthing Ceremony.
In many cultures Yule represents the beginning of the new year and as the year was represented by the Wheel it became a tradition the symbol for Yule became a wreath of holly that was hung on the front door, which is still a tradition practiced today by pagans and non-pagans alike.

The tradition of giving a Yuletide gift originated from leaving out gifts for the departed ancestors from the previous year.  This tradition continued to grow into the giving and receiving gifts we now enjoy at this time.  Although, like other festivals this is a time that has become over commercialised and has lost much of the original meaning that was intended.
Another tradition of this time was the burning of the Yule Fire.  Great fires were lit to welcome back the Sun.  The ashes of the fire would be kept for use in ointments and other healing products and a log would be kept until next Yule to be burnt again.

©Ange Foster

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Friday 13th June 2014
2.11pm AEST

Today’s Full Moon is quite auspicious, for many reasons.  Firstly, it is Friday 13th, this is a rare event, and the next time the Full Moon will fall on Friday 13th won’t be until 2049.  Friday is named after the Goddess Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love.  The number 13 also has special meaning.  For instance, we have 13 Full Moons each year.
Sagittarius is the sign of Truth Seeking and Truth Speaking.  Calling us to look deep within our souls and discover our own Truth.  Assisting us on this Spiritual Quest for our Truth, Mercury (the planet of communication) is Retrograde, this is the time to re-view, re-new, re-do.  Neptune (the planet of illusion) is also Retrograde, which is revealing to us anything in our lives that has been clouded with illusion. 
A few minutes before this Full Moon, Venus in Taurus, the planet of connection, opposes Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn in Scorpio forcing us to look at our emotional wounds and how we are relating to them.  Venus is urging us to forgive ourselves and heal.  It's time to own our self-worth.  Once we do, we can forgive others and dare to have free and strong relationships that are free of past wounds.

We are once again entering 'the Grand Cross Zone'. Now that Mars is direct again in Libra, it's coming into contact again with the Pluto/Uranus T-Square to Jupiter in Cancer. We get to re-visit how we're handling our new life!  Chiron (the Wounded Healer) is also in a close transit to the Grand Cross asking us to open our hearts to our truth.  This is the 3rd cross these four planets have formed this year, the Goddess always works in threes! It's the number of process.
The Sun in Gemini highlights our mental process, shedding light on how we perceive and interpret information coming through.  The Sun has been very active the last few days with several Solar Flares being released.  Energetically these flares can give us bursts of insights into our Soul.  In conjunction with the Full Moon in Sagittarius we are asked to look at whether these thoughts are helping us or holding us back.

Neurologically, we are in a 7 Universal Year.  In Numerology 7 is year of the Soul.  This is a year where we are all searching for our Souls Purpose.  It is also the time to nurture our Soul and do what makes our hearts sing. 
This Full Moon is a powerful one making us look at where we are in our Lives and making the changes we need to open us up to the Life we are meant to be living.  Review what is holding you back and with the energy of Sagittarius element of Fire release them making room for what your Soul is craving.  If we choose to try and ignore these issues the Universe will find a way to force us to confront them.  It is far more empowering and easier to work with these energies and controlling the cosmic ride we are on rather than against them causing more chaos and drama than necessary. 
Full Moon Blessings  )O(.
For all Your Full Moon Reports please visit my Facebook Page.
©Ange Foster
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy Hump Day!

It has been a slow start to Winter here in the Southern Hemisphere, but it has arrived in full swing now.  Winter can be a wonderful time.   We can rest, stay warm and nurture our soul.  We naturally start staying home more as days shorten.  We feel the need to withdraw slightly from the daily treadmill. 

To kick start winter there is now a pot soup on the stove that my daughter and I cooked up yesterday.  My favourite part of winter is having the pot of soup on the stove.  I remember coming home from school and Mum would have the soup hot and ready to go, this is a tradition I kept for my daughters and I hope they will also have the wonderful memories that I have of warming up with a bowl of Mum’s soup.  Soup really does nurture the soul.

Now that the wheel of the year is turning towards the Winter Solstice it’s time to look at your diet again.  Are you eating yummy winter vegetables full of the nutrients our bodies need for winter?  Mother Nature has a wonderful medicine cabinet for whatever season we are in.  Eating seasonally is so important for our overall health and wellbeing.  If you’re not sure what’s in season take a trip to your local growers market instead of the supermarket where produce can be 6 months old or more held in cold storage so that they can sell it year round.
Winter is a time when we go within and do what our soul needs us to do.  Heal the parts that have been hurt by the chaotic world we live in.  It’s time to slow down and do what we need to do to nourish our soul.  Connect with Source and recharge yourself.  Meditating, Yoga or just curling up with a blanket and a good book or movie.  Whatever your body and soul is asking you to do make a date with yourself regularly and do it.
©Ange Foster
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini.


Change is the key factor for this New Moon. Right now life is about to change in ways that you cannot begin to imagine. This can be welcome, or it can be a little unsettling depending on other factors in your astrology chart.  We are likely to undergo a series of highs and lows as you adjust to the changes.  Sometimes we will experience joy and sometimes sadness. This is an exciting time in life but with all changes there can be an element of fear involved.
Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Gemini at the moment.  All forms of communication will be highlighted at this time.  Keep in mind that Mercury turns retrograde June 6/7 for three weeks.  In the lead up to Mercury going retrograde take notice of what issues pop up as these can give us clues on what we will be dealing with during the retrograde period.
The New Moon in Gemini is also making a challenging aspect with Neptune.  Neptune is the planet of illusion so take care in how you perceive situations.  Neptune is also preparing to go retrograde on June 9/10 through to November 16/17.  When Neptune is retrograde it increases our sensitivity and receptivity to be much more acute.  This heightened sensitivity allows us to see far more than is possible when Neptune is direct. Our intuitive or inner vision that enables us to see situations from a different and more insightful perspective.  Use this time to see through the illusions that are in place in your life and make the changes that are needed for you to move on.  This is perfect time to give your intuition a workout.
Saturn is playing nice with Jupiter during June.  They are forming a grand water trine with Chiron.  This trine will be in play for whole month of June creating a deep healing time.  We are being asked to step up in our vibration and stand strong in our truth. 
In fact, 2014 is demanding us to follow our soul’s purpose, if we remain stuck in our current situation the Universe will kick us out and force us to make changes.  However, if we take the steps ourselves we will have more control over the direction we wish to go rather than trying fight the changes and not having control over our direction.
Venus has entered Taurus this morning.  Using this energy with the energies of the New Moon in Gemini gives us a chance to get clear on what our core values.  Now is the time to put into action any plans that were put on hold while Mar’s was Retrograde.  So far the energies of 2014 have been slow moving and have provided us time to work out the direction we want to take.  This New Moon starts of the next Lunar phase with a spark of energy.  June brings with it a Quickening of energies.  We will see our thoughts manifesting at far quicker pace than what we have experienced so far this year. 
During this month we will also be feeling the effects of the Asteroid Lilith.  Lilith’s energy can bring to the surface any anger that we have not dealt with.  However, if we stand in our own power and truth we can heal and learn from this energy.  There is a lot of Karmic clearing going on at the moment so be gentle and nurturing to yourself.  Many of us have had a rough ride so far this year but this is all changing now so get clear on your soul’s purpose and start putting into action your intentions for 2014. 
New Moon Blessings to All!
For all your New Moon in Gemini Reports please visit my Facebook Page.
©Ange Foster
Like my Facebook Page and Follow me on Twitter.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Full Moon in Scorpio

May 15th 2014
5.17am AEST
It seems that this month’s Full Moon in Scorpio has left me without the words needed to write this month’s report.  Scorpio is my birth sign and the murky waters of emotions have surfaced in true Scorpio fashion for me.  Scorpio is all about death and rebirth so it seems that I am in the midst of the limbo that exists between the two. 
The Full Moon in Scorpio is one that illuminates that which is buried deep within our subconscious.  When these deep emotions surface we are given the unique opportunities to heal and move on from that which holds us back.  Allowing us to make room for what we wish to attract in to our lives.
For all your Full Moon in Scorpio visit my Facebook Page.
©Ange Foster
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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Moon in Taurus - Partial Solar Eclipse

This New Moon falls in Taurus.  The Taurean New Moon brings the Goddess Venus to help us with the new beginnings and awakenings triggered by The Lunar Eclipse at the Full Moon two weeks ago.
This New Moon brings with it a Partial Solar Eclipse closing the door on this current Eclipse Phase.  This Eclipse speaks of health, health of the body, mind and soul and what our true values really are.  The Goddess Venus is here to help us step into our power and begin Living the Life we are meant to Live.
How did everyone get through the last couple of weeks?  We have had some intense energies thrown at us.  April has been a ride and a half, however it is not quite time to get of the ride.  For a summary of the last couple of weeks check my last post for the Full Moon in Libra.
We are still feeling the effects of the Cardinal Grand Cross that peaked last week, the planets involved are still in the process of moving out of this formation.  The Taurean New Moon tonight brings us grounding energy which we have been lacking the last few weeks.  We will find it easier to ground our Mind, Body and Soul feeling more centred than we have been.
The theme with this pair of Eclipces has been one of clearing out the old and now having the space to bring in the new.  During this time we need to care for ourselves as we welcome in our new way of life.  Do not think you are being selfish needing to take time out for you, in fact you are being Self-ful.  Self-Care is not selfish it is Self-Ful which is something we all need to practice.  This can be a hard concept to get our minds around at times especially when we have to do and be for so many around us, let alone taking time out for ourselves.  At the end of the day though, if we don’t care for ourselves we won’t be able to care for those around us.
It is said that during the Eclipses the veil between the worlds are at their thinnest.  Quite interesting considering tonight is the Eve of Samhain here in the Southern Hemisphere.  Samhain is time when we honour ancestors.  Check back here tomorrow for a full Samhain Report.
New Moon Blessings to All.
©Ange Foster
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Full Moon in Libra - Blood Moon

Tuesday 14th April 2014
Total Lunar Eclipse – Blood Moon
5.51pm AEST – Maximal Eclipse

If you thought April had already been a Roller Coaster ride then you had better hold on tighter because the ride hasn’t finished yet.  This month’s Full Moon is packing an extra whammy!  This Full Moon is the first in the upcoming Tetrad which is a series of four Blood Moons over the next twelve months.  There is myriad of symbolism attached to Blood Moons.  One thing that most astrologers agree on though is that Eclipse’s highlight and areas of our lives that are in Shadow. 
With the astrological line up we have already experienced since the start of the Year most of us are already well on the path of clearing out what no longer serves us.  This Eclipse gives us a glimpse of what is still in Shadow.  This Full Moon is in Libra which is all about balance.  Balance in our Relationships, balance in our work commitments and so on.  Many of us have begun the process of removing Relationships that are not in balance and not serving our Higher Purpose.  These Relationships may be work related, social or romantic.  Remember that when we sever any relationship we go through a stage of grief so be kind and nurture yourself during this time. 
We are also approaching the peak of the Cardinal Grand Cross in the night skies.  The line-up of the Cardinal Grand Cross formation is one of the most difficult alignments. It happens when four planets hold the same (or close) degree in the four cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn — each planet making a 90 degree angle from each other. Not sure what I mean? Just think of a big square in the sky and you’re in the middle and everyone is arguing around you; everyone has their own agenda and not cooperating.  The planets involved in this Grand Event are Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto. What does this mean? Change. Total gut level, hyper focused change.  The effects of this Grand Cross have been in play since January and will continue to influence us until July this year.  This combined with the two Black Moons we had in January and March, Mars and Saturn Retrograde many of us already feel like we have had our lives shaken up.  This Blood Moon will shine a light on anything that hasn’t been shaken up yet.
 All of these influences could be leaving you feeling like your head and life are in a spin.  Don’t stress though we are being given the opportunity to make the changes we need to make to Live the Life we were born to Live.  So if you are in the midst of change don’t fear or worry, things are happening the way they are meant to and you are completely supported by the Universe.  Be kind and nurture yourself and trust that you are right where you are meant to be.
Blood Moons are also said to be a time when the veils between the worlds are thin allowing us to communicate with the other side.  Similar to what happens at Samhain which is April 30th, here in the Southern Hemisphere.  We also have a Partial Solar Eclipse at the New Moon on April 29th.   I will write more about these events as we draw closer to the close of the Month and the Dark Moon.
I wish you all a wonderful and restful time over the next week, however you choose to celebrate this time.  I am off to spend some much needed ME time and Reconnecting with Our Great Mother Gaia for a week. 
Full Moon Blessings to All!
©Ange Foster
Like my FacebookPage or Follow me on Twitter.
Images from Google Images.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 14th - Thought of the Day

“We must build human relevance into the paradigms of science itself.”
- Steven and Hillary Rose
Science itself is not to be feared.  We fear what science is capable of – just as we fear what human beings are capable of, when they act on violent feelings, without control or choice.  Science is a powerful tool of the human mind, when it’s used with respect and tenderness for the unity of life.
It isn’t human relevance we need so much as relevance t this seamless unity.  As our capacity for knowledge grows, we glimpse more clearly how interrelated all human efforts are with the great rhythmic processes of the planet.  The paradigms of science are the models it makes of the world.  When scientists make a model that ignores relevance they risk using their knowledge. Stupidity or harmfully.
We need to recognise that science is part of our human endeavour – not more nor less than art or agriculture or raising children, but part of all of them (as they’re part of science).  We must remember how broad a definition of human relevance we need, when we contemplate the unbroken beauty of the world.
There is a choice in all activity, so I will prepare choose well.
©Ange Foster
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 13th - Thought of the Day

“You can have your cake and eat it.  But my God, it will go rotten inside you.” – D.H. Lawrence
When you try to hang on to another person or to any part of life, we impede the natural flow.  To be in harmony, we must let go.  “You must lose your life in order to find it.”  Real strength, real self-respect, is achieved only by setting the hungry self aside.
It’s human to want to hold on to what’s precious.  Although, life’s real treasure is found in achieving the rhythm of ebb and flow.  Joy is not a constant state.  Glory is part of a cycle that includes defeat.
Accepting imperfection, accepting change, is part of accepting our humanity.  We obey the same cyclic laws that govern the universe.  Success in living depends on accepting that one day we’ll eat cake and the next we won’t.  Fear tempts us to hoard the crumbs of our success, but wisdom lets us brush them away.
“I will remember that joys recur just as sorrows do.”
©Ange Foster
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Friday, April 11, 2014

April 12th - Thought of the Day

“We must be true inside, true to ourselves, before we can know a truth that is outside us.” – Thomas Merton.
Integrity is not given in everyone’s life.  It is the result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be relentlessly honest in our response to all situations in our lives.  We are quick to recognise this quality in others, and hope to acquire it ourselves.  However, we must cultivate risk taking and cast off fears of rejection and derision if we’re to discover the serenity a fully integral life offers.
Recognition of truth in others, realisation of the appropriateness of decisions or the aptness of choices is made easier when we’re certain of the truth of our lives.  The inner turmoil dissipates and we are quiet within when we choose to live lives full of truth.  In the quiet we discern all truths.  How much softer the edges of experience when we’re guided by truth.  How much easier every decision, every choice, when we’ve committed ourselves to a course of total honesty.
My level of peace is my responsibility.  I will find just as much as I need.
©Ange Foster
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April 11th - Thought of the day

“Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends on the tide of the mind.”
 – Alice Meynell
It’s all too easy to blame a friend, spouse, or co-worker for the uneven quality of our lives.  If only others would behave according to our plans and dictates, then all would go well, we think, what seldom is remembered or even understood is that each of us has an individual perspective on any single event – our own.  We need to stretch our minds and hearts to understand an experience from another’s point of view.  However, we need never fully understand how another perceives life.  We need only to accept that another’s perspective is legitimate.
Our happiness is not dependent on the perceptions or actions of someone else.  Nor is it dependent on attention, or lack of it, from a loved one.  Our occupation may be challenging and fulfilling; however, the joy we get from it depends on the attitude we carry to the job.  In every way, whether in the company of others or by ourselves, we make our own happiness.
My opportunity for happiness is guaranteed if I opt for it today.

©Ange Foster
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