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Monday, April 29, 2013


Southern Hemisphere – April 30th
Northern Hemisphere – October 31st

This is the big one! 

The first day of the Celtic New Year.

Samhain (pronounced; Sow-win) is also known as All Hallows Eve, Halloween, and Festival of the Death just to name a few.

Samhain is regarded as a major Sabbath.  Samhain is the time when the God returns to the Underworld until he is reborn at Yule.  It is not quite winter but the days are getting shorter and cooler, since Mabon (Autumn Equinox). Most of the leaves have changed colour and have fallen from the trees.  This was the time that our Ancestors would finish any harvests left and store their food for the winter months.  Samhain is also the time of the Crone, the keeper of the secrets and wisdom of life and death.  During now and Yule the Goddess returns to the Underworld with the God returning the earth to Winter.

Samhain is also the time we remember and honour our loved ones that have passed over.  This is the time when the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest.  It is said that the veil is made thin as the God crosses over to the Underworld.  This is the when our ancestors would invite loved ones to cross over and join in the celebrations.  It was also believed that this was the time to reaffirm karmic ties with loved ones you wish to join in the next life.  The Celts have a beautiful belief of an Anam-cara, which basically means soul friend.  It is believed that we each have one true love that in each life we seek out the spirit of our Anam-cara.

It is not certain exactly where the name Samhain originated from; it has been traced back to a couple of possibilities.  One of these comes from the Celtic Tradition.  There is an Irish Gaelic word Samhridreadh that means Summers end.  Samhain was celebrated by the Celts as the end of summer and the following day was the beginning of winter.  This was because in the UK the sun was at its lowest point on the horizon.  Many sacred stones still mark the journey of the sun scattered across the UK.  This is when the Celts celebrated their New Year, unlike many other cultures that celebrate it at Yule.

Many of the myths associated with Samhain have the similar theme, that is the time when the Sun/God dies and returns to the Underworld.  The Goddess who is in her Crone phase mourns his passing by traveling to the Underworld with him. 

The Goddess in her Crone form is the image taken and distorted into the evil witch in the fairy tales told to our children for many generations to help further help in the effort to abolish the Old Religion.  It is sad that the once revered Crone Goddess has been turned into such an ugly and feared image for many.  This image has been carried over to the modern celebration of Halloween. 

Our ancestors used to cherish the Crones of their community for they were women of great knowledge and wisdom accumulated through her many great years from the Crones before her.  The Crone was well practiced at many of the skills needed for the community's survival.  Her knowledge of herbs used for healing and the precious gift of delivering the children to continue the next generation were just some of the wonderful roles the Crone played in the Old World.

Unfortunately, because of these gifts the Crone possessed led to the persecution of many of our ancestors by the patriarchal crusades of the Church.  Samhain was such an important time for our ancestors the church found it hard to wipe out the celebrations of the Sabbath.  One of the ways the church tried to convert the "pagans" (originally pagan meant town folk rather than the corrupted definition of devil worshiper) was to re-name the Old Religions Sabbaths in the hope that the people would begin worshiping their God and Saints of these days rather than the old deities.  The Church first called Samhain, Michaelmas, the feast of Saint Michael.  Although the ancient traditions of Samhain were so sacred to the people one Saint was not enough to convert the masses.  So, the Church re-named it again calling Eve of All Saints or All Hallows Eve, the day before one of the churches most popular days, All Saints Day.  Despite the churches efforts to abolish Samhain the people continued to celebrate the traditions of the Old Ways.

The Church then decided that the only way to convert the people was to create evil stories about Samhain.  Samhain became a night where evil spirits would appear and create havoc through the villages with the aid of witches.  The Church warned people not leave the safety of their homes on this night for if they did they would fall prey to the evil spirits.  The Church proclaimed that it was not until the dawn of All Saints Day when the Church bells would chime and drive the evil spirits back to hell, that it was safe to leave their homes.  The fear of these so-called evil spirits eventually took hold of converted Christian's minds that the Old Ways were replaced.  Also, the fear of death took over anyone who wished to maintain the Old Ways.  In the Churches efforts to take over anyone who did not take up the ways of the church were tortured and killed.

These evil stories were the beginnings of the modern day Halloween, which is so far removed from the original celebrations of Samhain.  One thing that we must remember though is that there can be evil present on this evening, with the veil at its thinnest there is the possibility of something undesirable crossing over.  Our ancestors were well aware of this and would protect themselves and their loved ones from these entities.  One of the ways this was done was to carve faces into vegetables to place in windows, pace around their circle or carry with them.  This is where the concept of Jack-o-lanterns from modern Halloween celebrations originated. 

Many of our Ancestors left candles in windows and offerings of food for the spirits for their journey back to the Underworld.  Simple gestures like these are quite appropriate ways for us today to honour this wonderful time of year.  Also, as with New Years Celebrations, this is a time take time to look at what you have achieved over the last year and decide what you can do to improve the year to come.

 It is the time for our New Years Manifestations!

I also feel it is worth mentioning that in Australia and New Zealand we have ANZAC Day on April 25th which is the day we honour and remember those who died defending the freedoms we enjoy today.

You can honour and celebrate Samhain in many ways.  If you have like-minded friends, this is a great time to get together and
celebrate.  If not you can write your own special ritual to honour this Sacred Day.  I have experienced many different Samhain celebrations and rituals now and each one has been unique and wonderful, this is my favorite Sabbath.

I have focused on the Celtic Traditions for this Sabbath, as this is what I believe this day represents.  There are many Myths from all over the world, which has similarities, have some fun looking into the different ways cultures around the world honour this time of year.

Learning about and gaining an understanding of other cultures and ways of life helps in understanding ourselves.

Samhain is a great time to get together with like-minded others and celebrate, even if you do have a ritual remember to have fun too.  Your imagination is limitless so use it to create a memorable evening for all.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Friday Eve!

How is everyone’s Friday Eve going?  One more day till the Weekend.  No matter what you have planned for the weekend I want you to make sure you include some self-care time.  In our hectic schedules we often find ourselves at the bottom of the never ending To-Do-Lists.

Weekends give us the opportunity to recharge our batteries.  Maintenance so to speak.  Without out we break down, it’s no different to when we don’t put petrol or oil in our cars.  So scheduling in regular self-care times we can keep doing what we love to do.

So why don’t we try something different.  Let’s turn those To-Do-Lists upside down.  This weekend put YOU at the top.  I am sure that there will be some time you can dedicate to self-care time. 

If we make this a regular part of our routine we become happier, healthier, stronger and more capable at living the best lives we can.

Regular self-care doesn’t have to elaborate ore expensive.  It can be as simple as making a cup of your favorite herbal tea and reading a book for a while.  Running a bubble bath and lighting some candles.  Making yourself a beautiful meal of seasonal produce.  Booking yourself in for a massage.  Going to the hairdressers.  Going to a Yoga Class or Meditating for a while.  Whatever it is you feel like doing do it and do it regularly.

Why not give it go this weekend and turn your To-Do-List upside down, give yourself permission to put YOU at the top!
I’d love hear some of your self-care tips.  You can share them with here or on my Facebook Page.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Manifesting Monday!

Manifesting Monday!

What a Magical Monday it is.  Today has started of with an amazing energy.  I don’t know if anyone is feeling it but it started building last week. I wrote about what an amazing week it was and it was only Wednesday.  Today feels like the momentum is behind me pushing me forward.  It really is quite exciting. 

So instead of dreading Monday’s I think we should be getting excited about what we are manifesting in our lives and working out what we need to do to make it happen. 

This week is shaping up to be a busy one.  There is only three weeks to go to the Samhain Gathering and there is still so much to do, but it is all coming together beautifully. 

Make sure you drop in and say “Hi” next time you’re on Facebook.  I’d love to hear what you manifesting in your life at the moment.  Have an amazing week!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wow what a week and it's only Wednesday.

Wow what a week and it's only Wednesday. 

The energies of this month’s New Moon must be having quite an effect on me, not mention some ConFest Vibes still holding on.  Aries is the time to set our intentions for how we want our lives to be and if the last few days are anything to go by I think I am in for quite a ride.  Check out my page for the next Lunar Month's reports from some of my favorite Astrologers and Writers.

We are coming up to the next series of eclipses and the creative down load I had then was huge, so I can't wait to see what happens this time.

I hope you all enjoyed my latest little offering on my blog about last nights Dark Moon.  Archie has started hassling me that we haven’t shared any of his adventures yet, so check back soon to see what he’s been up too.

I am working on an article about Red Tent and the SiStarhood.  I won’t tell you much yet but it should be ready to post soon.

One of the projects I am working on now is a series of eight articles, which I have some little idea about expanding into an e-book, and then further the development of the project into an online course.  The idea’s beyond the original 8 articles is just musings at the moment.  Focusing more on getting the series written first.

The big project that I am focusing on at the moment though is organising the Samhain Gathering on Saturday 4th May.  Samhain is the big one, not to mention my favorite, so I am putting lots of energy into this one.  There will be a Facebook Event page set up shortly, just have a couple of confirmations I need to make.  I’ll give you a bit of a clue, The Fire Circle on the Hill will be where all the action will be.

As some of you are aware I spent Easter at ConFest!  If you haven’t heard of ConFest I urge you to look in to it and find out more.  Everyone’s experience at ConFest is different and every ConFest is different.  Last year my eldest daughter and I hired a van and had a road trip to experience our first ConFest.  We drove for 7 hours into the middle of nowhere to what is one of the most beautiful examples of the Australian Bush.  We camp out with thousands of other ConFesters.  Last year I immersed myself in the workshops and all the women’s groups and came away feeling grounded inspired and full of passion for life.  An amazing experience to share with my daughter.

This year the whole family made the pilgrimage.  A few hiccups in getting there but it wouldn’t be a family holiday without them would it?  Anyway this time I had a very different experience.  The night I got there my moontime came on so ConFest became a weeklong Red Tent in a way.  There was something quite beautiful and grounding about bleeding whilst at such a spiritual event.  The energies of the fire circles were amazing and to finally get to share some of that with my man was even more special.

The energy that has returned with me this time is like fire pit full of coals and glowing brightly rather than last years roaring flames of passion and energy for life.  This energy feels more sustainable though and far more nurturing.

Tonight's Dark Moon!

Tonight we journey within as the moon goes dark.  Following the different phases of the moon is what our bodies naturally do; however the head doesn’t always follow.   When we become so busy and overwhelmed with all the things that have to be done our thoughts are not in tune with the moon’s cycles.   When this happens we forget to take some time just to slow the thoughts down long enough to check in with our bodies and see how things are going.

Slow down enough to have a think about how life is going at the moment.  Am I achieving the goals I have set myself?  Do I have any goals at the moment?  Am I just so busy with everyone else’s shit that I haven’t had time to think about what I might want to do?  Or my personal favorites oh that’s right I got all motivated at the start of the year and made my vision boards and wrote out my intentions and manifestation lists, ….. now where did I last see that?

As women our bodies naturally flow with the moons cycles.  Alone we each have our unique cycles and when we spend a lot of time and are connected with other women our cycles blend together.

Not all of us bleed on the Dark Moon but we can still honour the night by slowing down and journeying inwards to check in with how things are going?  What’s working?  What’s not?  What can be done to make things better?  Work out how you can make them happen and start manifesting your dreams into realities.

The next couple of months are going to be a wonderful ride of energies cosmically.  We have two Lunar Eclipses and a Solar Eclipse coming up.  The upcoming Full Moon is my personal sign of Scorpio.  Not to mention the Mars and Venus, Masculine and Feminine, connection and being in balance together.  Pluto is coming to a halt for a few months, which will bring up things we thought we’d dealt with.  Saturn Retrograde still bringing up shadow Scorpio issues for all of us.  Then seasonally the Wheel is beginning to turn to the dark half of the year with Samhain in a few weeks.

So now is a great time to start following the lunar month and tuning into the energies that we are blessed to have around us at this time to go within and figure out what is going to make us happy.  Check back in with those goals you set 4 months ago and see how much you can check off and think about what you can add to it.  Give the vision board a spruce up if need be.

Try meditating for a while.  Eat some comfort food for tea have a bath and go to bed early.

Draw or write in your journal.  Go to Red Tent and spend the night with your SisStars.  Do whatever it is that you do to slow down and check in with how things are going, and if it is something you haven’t done before do it.  Give it go; you never know you might enjoy it.

We women need to get it through our heads that taking care of ourselves is not pampering, it’s vital to our health and wellbeing.

So what are you going to do for the Dark Moon tonight?

Photo's from Google Images.